onsdag 21 maj 2014

Part three - Peripety

The turning point of the book is when Elizabeth finds out that the reason Mr. Bingley and Jane are being seperated is Mr. Darcy. Because Elizabeth becomes furious and this is the moment where Mr. Darcy chooses to propose to her without knowing how she feels. She rejects him and a heated discussion follows. After this incident Elizabeth recieves a letter from Mr. Darcy where he explains and corrects all her previous misjudments. The letter makes the horrible image she had of him go away and she realises that he actually is a good person. In the end they both agree that they had been misjudging eachother and end up together. This ending was predictable due to it being a love story but i like novels with happy endings so i was really sadisfied with how it ended. Especially because you got to find out what happened after they both got together, usually novels end just like that. The title Pride and Prejudice is perfect for the novel since both pride and prejudice play huge rolls in the plot. After i read the whole novel i picked up several messages, one of which is that you shouldnt have any predjudice because they might not be true and it might cause misconceptions. That women should marry for love instead of money was also a message.

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