tisdag 18 mars 2014

Conflicts - The color purple

There are many conflicts in the color purple both external and internal. Many of them are quite small and has been going on for so long that they sadly have become a natural part of the characters lives.

External conflicts:
The most frequently on going external conflict is probably the battle between husbands and wives. In Celies marriage the conflict with her husband abusing her has no real depth or reason and is more considers as a natural situation. But in the relationship between Mr.---‘s son Harpo and his wife there were a more of a both way battle. Here there wasn’t one abuser and one victim. The boy wanted his wife to be as obedient and inferior as his fathers. In his attempt to create that trough hitting her there relationship darkens since she is no woman to accept being abused and in the end leads to them separating.

Internal conflicts:
One of the biggest internal conflicts that is occuring in the book is Celies anger with her husband since he has hidden letters from her sister during many years. This might not just be an internal conflict since she has the eager to confront him but gets stopped by Shug Avery. But she is also ambivalent in her feelings for Shug Avery and therefor feels immediate dislike of Shug’s new man and also the sadness that overflows her when Shug is having an affair with her husband. It seems like she is not sad because she is jealous at Shug for taking her husband but more jealous with her husband for being with Shug.

1 kommentar:

  1. What does the novel say about violence? What is the moral? What is the solution according to Alice Walker?
