“A SQUAT GREY building of only thirty-four storeys. Over the main entrance the words, CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE, and, in a shield, the World State´s motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY. The enormous room on the ground floor faced towards the north.” These are the three first lines in my book called, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The lines do not captivate my interests. Why? Because the first sentences has an absence of excitement. It only describes a building that I don’t know so much about. However, I believe all the occurrences in the book will take place in this building. That's probably why, the building was first mentioned in the novel.
The plot
Brave New World begins in a disagreeable controlled society, commonly referred to as “the World State.” We get to follow the story as a group of young students receiving a factory tour of the “London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre” from the center’s director.
The director explains to the student the process of genetic engineering, the process of making humans. The purpose of the project is to create a society in which people should be "raised" in a certain way. Each person exists to serve the community. It’s their job to be consumers and workers, which in turn keeps the economy stable and strong. Buy lots of items. Use lots of transportation and etc.
We are told that the humans are divided into five various castes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. Alphas are smart, tall, and muscular; Epsilons short, dumb, and ugly.
The Character
Lenina does not seem to be the ultimate human. She is not sexually active, which she and the others has been told to be by the controllers. She has been learned that everybody belongs to everybody. And when a man requests for sex, he should get some without struggling. However, Lenina does not seem to be interested in other men, besides Henry. Fanny on the other hand, is another girl who encourage Lenina to meet other males. She appears as the opposite of Lenina. She said in the novel, how she did not understand how Lenina only could be with ONE man. “Only four months! I like that. And what´s more, Fanny went on, pointing and accusing finger, there´s been nobody else except Henry all that time. Has there? p34”
The title
I believe the aim of the title Brave New World for the novel is about imagine the perfect world, and endeavour to create the perfect world. The author writes about a fantasy world in which human already from the beginning are divided into various castes. Everything is perfect, and planned in every detail. There are ruleshow people should look after themselves, how they should live and what they should do. It's about a brave new world, according to the author.
Diana Sadeghei Fazel NA11C
What do you know about the building??
SvaraRaderaDoes Huxley believe the world he has created is perfect? Have you considered his tone??