tisdag 11 mars 2014

Exposition - Lord of The Flies

’The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way towards the lagoon. Though he had taken off his school sweater and trailed it now from one hand, his grey shirt stuck to him and his hair was plastered to his forehead. All round him the long scar smashed into the jungle was a bath of heat.’’

The first three lines didn't say much, and they really didn't catch my interest. The only thing the first lines said, to me, is that the book is about a hurt little kid who is lost somehow. 

The Plot

Lord of The Flies is a novel written by Nobel Prize winner William Golding. The beginning of the novel is about two children called Ralph and Piggy. In the very first pages we find out that there has been some kind of plane crash, leaving Ralph and Piggy on an uninhabited island. There were other kids on the plane with Ralph and Piggy, and by blowing into a conch they found on the island, they were able to make a noise loud enough to get the attention from the other survivors on the island. The children rapidly decides that it would be best if they work together, and they decide it would be best if they had a leader, since there are no grown-ups around. The kids decide to take a vote deciding who should be the leader of the group. The "battle" for becoming is between Ralph and another kid named Jack. Ralph wins the election and is thereby appointed leader. 

The kids agree to start a fire to alert possible passing boats of their presence. While making the fire most kids help out getting firewood, but after gathering enough resources they bump into another problem, they have nothing to ignite the fire with. Then Jack comes up with the idea of using Piggy's glasses as fire starter. Unfortunately the fire is not smokey enough to get attention of passing passing boats. 

The main characters

Ralph is the child who the first lines in the novel is about. Judging by the first part of the book Ralph is one of the older kids on the island and he is a person who is not afraid to take charge and lead the pack. He is voted leader of the group and he seems to have a rather tough personality. He often picks on Piggy, which makes him seem like a rather mean person. Apart from that he seems to be a very positive kid and he always tell the other kids that everything is fine and that they are going to be rescued soon enough, so make the most of the time on the island!

Piggy is the first kid to team up with Ralph in the book. They meet at the very beginning and Piggy plays a big part in the establishment of the community with the other children. However, he gets very little recognition from the other kids. They pick on him, they call him Piggy (which isn't his real name), they take his glasses as equipment to light the fire and they don't give him credit for the work he does. He seems to be a rather troubled child. He grew up with his aunt after his father died, the circumstances regarding his mothers inability to take care of him is, for now, unknown.

The Title
The title didn't directly catch my interest, although I think it is an appropriate title for the book. The title is most likely used to explain Ralph's position within the group of children on the island. He is the lord while the other kids (with a few exceptions) are the flies, and all they do is run around doing nothing.

1 kommentar:

  1. You will understand the title before you have finished the novel:-)
