söndag 23 mars 2014

Brave new world - reading log 2

There are several conflicts in the novel, which I encountered while reading, both external conflicts and external conflicts.

Internal conflict
An example of an internal conflict is Bernard, one of the main characters. Bernard feels like an outsider who does not fit in the standards of the society. Even though he knows the proper way to act so he can fit in the society he feels somehow as if it is not the right way people are supposed to act. He soon realizes that he cannot go on and live a life without feeling the sense of belonging in the society because it causes him too much problems such as not getting any women to like him and want to spend time with him.

External conflict

There are several externals in Brave New World. The most exciting and interesting was the one that was between the Director and Bernard. The Director is not pleased with the way Bernard behaves for an Alpha male. Moreover the Director sees Bernard as a threat to the society because he setting a bad example for other Alpha males. Before Bernard goes to New Mexico with Lenina, the Director warned him that if he did not accept the norms of the society he would have to leave the modern society and instead be sent to Iceland. However Bernard is not willing to give up his way of thinking so easily. Instead he decides to dedicate all his time to find the Directors weakness so he can exploit it.  

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