torsdag 20 mars 2014

Part Three - The peripeteia

A sudden change 
Elizabeth Bennet has from the beginning of the novel had a bad feeling about Mr Darcy. She accused him from being the most evil and pride person in the whole world. When Mr Darcy acknowledge his feelings towards her, Elizabeth answered him being the last person in the world that she ever would marry. However Elizabeth had the right to be angry with Mr Darcy. Their first meeting she overheard Mr Darcy telling Mr Bingley that she was not beautiful enough for him to consider of dancing with. And latter on throughout his stay at Netherfield he behaves asocial and insolently. Therefore when Elizabeth heard from his cousin, Colonel Fitzwiliam, that Mr Darcy was the reason of her sisters misery she had had enough. She was extremely disappointed and angry. At the time she got to knew that he was the cause of her sister's misery, Elizabeth was getting to like Mr Darcy. At Rosings, Mr Darcy's aunts home, Mr Darcy was social and good with her friends Charlotte and Mr Collins. At this time it seemed that all hate that Elizabeth had towards Mr Darcy was about to change. Nevertheless this change of feelings did not happen. Both of them, Mr Darcy and Elizabeth was hurt of the words that they accused each other for.

Therefore, the next day Mr Darcy wanted to explain the two accusation that Elizabeth had made towards him. In the letter he explained that he separated Mr Bingley and Jane Bennet due to the fact that he thought that his friends feelings was not equally as Miss Bennet's. Mr Darcy though that Miss Bennet was forced of her mother to get marry to Mr Bingley because he was rich. However Elizabeth knew that Jane was extremely in love with Mr Bingley and that she was only shy to show her feelings for everyone. Mr Darcy did not apologize for this event cause he had believed that at that time he did the right thing. The next accusation was Mr Wickhams misery life. Mr Wickham had told Elizabeth that Mr Darcy had taken everything from him and so he had to get into the military, which at this time was not a well paid job.  Yet, this was not the real story. Mr Darcy was enraged with Mr Wickham due to the fact that he had planned to elope with his little sister and only because of her money. This made Elizabeth's feelings towards Mr Darcy to change. She was now ashamed of her accusations. And when she met him at Pemberley she did not know what to do. She was surprised that he treated her friendly. At this meeting she was surprised that he was social and kind not only to her but also towards her uncle and aunt. Elizabeth had never seen this side of him. It was a good surprise and she kind of started to have feelings for him now. She though if he still had the same feelings for her as at Rosings.

Mr Darcy had from the beginning had feelings for Elizabeth Bennet, yet he fought with those feelings. Still when he met her at his aunt's house he understood that he could not fought them anymore. He had given up and was ready to acknowledge his feelings for Elizabeth. Elizabeth, on the other hand was not quite fond of him at this time. She did not like that he was arrogant and asocial. Also she had heard what he had to say about her at their first meeting. However this did not make her hate him, she just laughed at that statement. What was her breakthrough was when she understand that he had participate in his sisters misery and Mr Wickhams. Be that as it may her feelings was about to change. Elizabeth understood that Mr Darcy and she had more in common than not and that he was the one for her. Mr Darcy was the one who could make her happy. 

The ending
The ending of the novel Pride and Prejudice was a "happily ever after- ending". Elizabeth got her Mr Darcy and Jane got her Mr Bingley. Mrs Bennet was now thrilled that she had three daughters married and that two of them had enough money that if something happened for example if Mr Bennet died, the two elder sisters would help their family. The only people who was disappointed of the ending was Lady Catherine the Bourgh and Miss Bingley. Both of them did not want Mr Darcy to marry Elizabeth Bennet. Lade Catherine de Bourgh, Mr Darcy's aunt, wanted him to marry her daughter and Miss Bingley wanted him to marry her. However he was not in love with those people although this two women would make a better match for him due to the fact that they was from a higher rank. 

Almost everyone likes a happy ending. The book showed how two people changed their though and got from the worse to the better. Mr Darcy learned to not be pride and asocial and Elizabeth Bennet learned that she should not accuse someone so early. As you see, this was a perfect match. This two love-birds made each other a better person. The ending was an appropriate way to end this kind of a novel. A reader wants to know that her/his main characters/favorite characters got the happy ending that they deserved.  

The title
Pride and prejudice. This is a perfect title of the novel due to the fact that the novel is about this two topics. Mr Darcy's pride and Elizabeth Bennet's prejudice. The whole story is about this two words. The first meeting between Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. Mr Darcy was pride and behaved arrogant and Elizabeth did not like him cause he was rich and pride. Throughout the whole book this two themes shows. However Mr Darcy is not pride or arrogant anymore in the middle of the novel. On the contrary Elizabeth is still accusing him for being rich and pride. After receiving Mr Darcy's letter Elizabeth starts to also tone down her accusations. 

The message
I do not find a good message about the novel Pride and Prejudice.  I believe that it is a fictional book with element of real life. Maybe the author wanted the reader to stop being proud and prejudice? However it is said that Jane Austen mostly wrote love stories. Therefore I would not believe that there is a special message in the book besides a good love story.

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