tisdag 11 mars 2014

Reading log 1- Brave New World

The first three lines in my book are: A SQUATCH GREY building of only thirty-four storeys. Over the main entrance the words, CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE, and, in a shield, the World State´s motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY. The enormous room on the ground floor faced towards the north. I do not feel anything particular regarding these thee lines, however they do catch my interest. Firstly, since I would like to now the meaning of the World State´s motto. Secondly, I’m considering what purpose this building serves. The novel will probably both answer my reflections and also introduce the main characters.

The plot
It is the year of stability, A.F. 632 and the world´s society has entirely altered. Not only are languages such as Polish, German and French dead, but also our civilizations major customs, of what is right or wrong, are no longer the same ever since the Ford´s revelations of the appalling dangers of family life. He points out that, The world was full of fathers-was therefore full of misery; full of mothers- therefore of every kind of perversion from sadism to chastity; full of brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts-full of madness and suicide (p.33). Consequently, no childbirths are given in the nations, but incubators (eggs) in test tubes, are currently decanted (Incubators). On the contrary, to how it was previously (in Ford´s days) before the big societal change, children are now brought up in “civilization´s” State Conditioning centres. However, parental upbringing and mothers that give birth to their own children do still exist, but in only in the Indian reservations. One of the State Conditioning centres is located in London and this building is entitled: The central London hatchery and conditioning centre and consists of different departments. Two examples of these are the Fertilizing room and the infant nurseries, Neo-pavlovian conditioning rooms. In the World State (civilization) are controllers those in power, who set the society’s rules after Fords believes-No civilization without social stability. Brainwashing begins already in the modern fertilizing process, as embryos are for instance exposed with cold weather in order to make their mind endorse the judgement of the body. Hence, the later developed children will be predestined to loathe cold weather. From that time one, the brainwashing continues. For instance during classes such as Elementary Class Consciousness the youngsters are “learned” the significance of belonging to a particular cast, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don´t want to play with Delta children (p.22), this is of course repeated a lot of times. Although Bernard Marx is living in this absurd society, his views separate from the other people´s. The novel seems to be about a mad new world that might perhaps become normal once again with Bernard Marx´s support.

The workers of this residence wear white overalls and their hands gloved with a pale corpse-coloured rubber(p.1). There are different casts namely: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons; but Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons will additionally go trough a Bokanovsk´s Process. One bokanovskified egg develops to an embryo and thereafter into an adult. This method is used in order to make ninety-six human beings grow instead of creating one human being. It is not abnormal for Children both play naked and preoccupies themselves with erotic games. Books such as bibles, poetry, or other books written before the Ford´s days (how the world was previously) are forbidden. I reckon that Ford is almost treated as a God, on account of that not only are different celebrations held in his honour, but they also have different rites. During these rites they for example “Thank Ford” and the twelve participants feel that they will be one and lose their twelve separate identities in a larger being. What is more, the president stood up, made the sign of the T (p.69) and everyone drinks from a cup. Then says out loud Oh Fodrd, Oh Ford (p.71)-compare with Oh Lord, which some people use to express themselves today. Everybody consumes soma (tablets), which makes eyes shone, cheek flush (p.70) and everybody is joyful. General believes among people are: Everyone works for everyone else, We can´t to without anyone (p.64) and Smallness typically low-cast!

The characters, which are introduced to us are: The Director; Mr Foster, a ruddy young man; Lenina; the controller, his fordship, Mustapha Mond; Henry Foster;Fanny; Ford, Freud;Bernard Marx; Benito Hoover;Helmholtz Watson; Linda and John. Fanny and Lenina are friends, while Lenina goes out with Henry Foster. Bernard Marx associates himself with Benito Hoover. Linda is John´s mother, at the same time is the Director John´s father.

The Director is the DHC for Central London and named Ford. He is tall and upright. Moreover, he has a long chin and big, rather prominent teeth. However, it is hard to estimate how old he is. For students it was a rare privilege to be conducted by him in the centres different departments. Furthermore, he reckons that the Bokanovsky´s Process is the major instrument of social stability (p.5), since then more people will be able to work. The purpose of his business it to stabilize the population at this moment, here and now (p.5). He also believes that the secret of happiness and virtue is to like what you´ve got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny(p.12). Mothers and fathers are unpleasant fact. DHC objects to stable relationships. I am in favour of his believes of wanting people to be happy and to enjoy their profession, with this he shows that he is a thoughtful man. However I overrule the way he wants to receive this.  

The book has perhaps obtained its title, whereas the life of the plot is wholly different from ours today. You could say that people are brave, since they for instance have the “courage” of disobeying our conventionalism. Additionally, the world is indeed new in the book.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Well done Veronika. Have you considered the tone in the first chapter? It reads like a list of stunning scientific achievements, but what do you think the authors opinion on this is?

  2. Moreover, could you please change the label into Brave New World 1? :-)
