måndag 24 mars 2014

Pride and prejudice 2

There are a number of conflicts in the novel, both internal and external. However, the main conflict is the one between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. After their first meeting at the ball in the nearby town of Meryton, Elizabeth believes that Mr. Darcy is nothing but a proud and rather unpleasant man whom she does not want anything to do with. Admittedly, Mr. Darcy’s thoughts about Elizabeth were not very high after their first meeting either. However, unlike her, he soon changed his opinion of her and began falling in love with her. Elizabeth, on the other hand, stood by her belief until she gradually learned things about Mr. Darcy that made her hesitate in her opinion of him. She became more and more aware of what kind of person Mr. Darcy really was and she now understood why he did and said the things he did.

This is where an internal conflict arises. She began doubting herself because of everything she had learned about Mr. Darcy. He was not a horrible person at all; the only reason why he had tried to separate Jane and Mr. Bingley was because he believed that Jane did not love Mr. Bingley equally as much. From this act, Elizabeth saw that Mr. Darcy was protective of the people he loved and now she was ashamed for judging him without even knowing the reasons behind his actions.

Throughout the novel, this internal conflict evolves into something that Elizabeth did not see coming; she was so busy fighting Mr. Darcy that she did not realize that she had feelings for him. These feelings scare her and make her question everything. Should she allow herself to love him and finally be happy?

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