lördag 22 mars 2014

Reading log 2 - Pride and Prejudice

The conflicts

External conflict
There are a few external conflicts in Pride and Prejudice. In my opinion the main one is between Elizabeth and her mother, Mrs Bennet. Ever since Elizabeth was a young girl they have been arguing about everything and nothing. 
They do not share the same way of looking at life and their opinions about marriage is the ones who differs the most. All Mrs Bennet wants is for Elizabeth to find a good and wealthy man to marry. However Elizabeth does not believe in a marriage built on money. Elizabeth wants to marry a man because of love, which her mother finds incredibly frustrating. 
Mrs Bennet finds the typical 18th century behaviour very pleasant and can not for her life understand why Elizabeth prefers to fight against it.

Internal conflict 
The major internal conflict in the novel is within Elizabeth Bennet herself. In the beginning of the book when she meets Mr Darcy for the first time she immediately dislikes him. She finds him very arrogant and proud. 
However as the story goes on her feelings for Mr Darcy changes and develops in to some sort of love. Elizabeth is finding it very hard to control her feelings since Mr Darcy ruined her sister’s marriage and did such an awful thing to Mr Wickham. She would never decide to settle down with such an awful person as Mr Darcy. 
Though when Elizabeth finds out about the truth she lets her feelings for Mr Darcy grow strong and she admits, not only to herself , but to her whole family that he will be the man in her life.

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